Our little man is now at 12lbs 4ozs! The greatest news today ever is no feeding tube! Yay! And no more alternating between pregestimil and similiac. Doc wants him straight on similac. And to have a diet like a regular baby would. She's so happy on his progress. His liver is still a little enlarged and so is his spleen, so they'll have to monitor his platelets more now. She said for the first time since he had his surgery that the kasai is a success!! Yay! Today was one of the shortest amount of time we were there. I walked out not asking 50 questions cause she said I should just be happy with all the good news. So I didn't ask... I figured why worry myself more with so many things if he's doing well right? We won't know his blood results until next week (drawing blood was a hard one this time! Strong boy!) - once we know we'll be updating... For now we are going to enjoy the weekend with family as one of his aunts is getting married!!! Congrats to his Yee-Ma!!!
on our way to check up |