

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!

Happy Halloween!!!
Kyle the monkey...his first halloween!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Happy Results!

We're so proud of our lil tiger! His numbers came back from his blood work last week and they're amazing! His bilirubin count is .3 over .1 -- NORMAL! we love that name! Liver enzymes number according to daddio is half of what it was last time. Stable! We like stable! And best part...we can take him off of his vitamins. Even appointment is 4 months from last week! Woohoo! Go lil tiger!!

We were told he need to start feeding the next day grandma gave him a piece of fruits...and sure enough he ate it!  Yummy!! :)

Picture Perfect

When I'm nice with my sister.

I know...even the older girls can't resist me. Coming to my crib.

This was us 23 years ago!

You just can't carve me up and put me in your front porch.

Yeah I'm the man of the house since daddy's not around.

Wink Wink! This is how I get girls :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Doctors!

Kyle had two doctor appointments today, one round of drawing blood and one round of flu shot, even with all that my lil man is still happy as ever. He weighed in at 17lbs 2 ozs. Impressive weight gain since the last time for them! They're extremely happy with how well he's maintaining the weight gain. I can't say much about his height as they both came in at different numbers, but I can say he is def not a tall one. Guess the wishing for him to get the recessive genes didn't work out.

At his liver appointment, they were so happy on how he looks and acting. Even the surgeon stopped by and said hi. His doctor took Kyle all around the office and was just telling everyone that Kyle was her lil one and how great he looked. Hopefully his blood results are stable and nothing fishy comes up. The best part is they decided that instead of seeing him every other month, they are going to see him every 4 now. I'm extremely happy about that. It just means he's going at the right track.

At his pediatrician, his doc was happy with him as well, especially with his developmental skills. The last time we saw he was there she was concerned about it all. But now she's not worried at all. Overall, it was a good day at the doctors. Extremely proud of how my lil man is doing!!

Will update pics shortly.

Next up on Kyle's adventure...Boo at the Zoo with his other stooges and company!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Eleven Months...


Can't believe how fast he's growing more month and he's going to be one year old!