

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

110% - perfect labs

Got the best call today about Kyle's labs! He's doing so good. Sam said its 100% perfect lab! That's the best Christmas present ever!!!
So proud of our lil man!

Monday, December 10, 2012

December Check-Up at Mt Sinai

It's been 4 months since his last check up at Mt Sinai...
He weighed in at 27 lbs ...gained 5 lbs!
and is about the same height!

This time around he didn't throw much of a fit when they drew his blood. He pouted and cried a little. Kyle was a brave little boy!

no more daily meds :)

Fixing his train...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

National Biliary Atresia Day!

Today is National Biliary Atresia Awareness Day! Learn more about it here :

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Wishing their daddy a very very happy birthday!
We love you daddy!!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Follow The Leader

While Callia is practicing her ballet moves...little brother decided to join in. Check out the videos :)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Almost a toddler...

Day before he turns 2 where he's officially a toddler and not labeled a baby!!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

23 months...

Very late ... But Kyle turned 23 months in the beginning of the month. He's one more month away from going to baby status to toddler status. One more month until the terrible twos...

He's doing great - continuing with physical therapy, talking more and more each day, learning more but one thing stays the same ... He's still got only 5 teeth!!!! Haha!!

Some recent photos below...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Another haircut

Kyle got haircut this time at the barber shop. Cried the whole time of course.

First time on the train...

Today was Kyle's first time on the train - he did well.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Kyle had his first swimming class today and he absolutely loved it. Then after swimming classes we head out for our September playdate at the American Museum of Natural History. Despite having to leave his friends earlier cause daddy had to go to work... he had a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Zoo Party...

Happy 2nd Birthday one of Kyle's buddy Henry!
We had a blast at the Staten Island Zoo. Kyle was fearless and fed the animals. What a blast they had!

Happy Grandparents Day!

Tomorrow is Grandparents Day and the kids clothing club had a picture template part of their app. Check out the pictures below. Happy grandparent day to all the wonderful grandparents out there!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happy 22 months!!!

Baby boy is 22 months today.
Weighing in at 23lbs and 4ozs and is 32inches tall
And he's everywhere ... But only has 5 teeth still!

Monday, August 20, 2012

August check up at mt. Sinai

check up time!
Lil man is weighing in at 22lbs and 14ozs and is 32 inches tall!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Snow Bear & Lion

big sis and lil bro moments are the best when caught on camera!

Friday, July 20, 2012

At the beach...

Kyle's first time at the beach was this past Monday! He absolutely loved the water and the sand. Can't wait to bring him again!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy 20th Month!

4 more months and lil man will be 2!
Happy 20th Month lil man!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

And we're back on track...

Kyle went for his follow-up appointment after being discharged on Friday. He looks great and has been fever free since.

He also gained weight back... She's at 22lbs 4ozs! And grew another half an inch.

Today his labs came back... And the numbers are great! Bilirubin are back to being below 1 (it was as high as 2.3 when he was sick!) and his liver numbers are trending down as will.

Yay Kyle!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hide and Seek with Daddy

Kyle's new thing is playing hide and seek...check out the video of him playing with daddy.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Mr. Chubby got another hair cut...this time by daddy. what do you all think?

Callia's Update

Some updates on our big little girl as June was a pretty big month for her...she had her school awards ceremony and her first ever ballet recital! (thank you cheryl for the recital video)

Sister singing to baby...

Kyle was admitted to Mt Sinai for 4 days when his fever never went away. 
His liver numbers shoot up and so did his WBC, so they had him admitted and put him on antibiotics. He was the crankiness baby for the last week and a half...and the only way for to him to calm down was his sister singing to him. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Maybe it's teething ...

Hoping that the fever the little man currently has is all due to teething. With that say-- it's about time those little biters come out! Please let it be that!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy 19th Months!

Kyle's 19 months old today and it looks like 4 more teeth are coming out!! Yay! Finally!!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Liver Life Walk 2012

The walk was today-- the weather was great! Thank you to all that donated, came to join us and those that made an effort! We are truly grateful and it means the world to us!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

18 months

Happy 18 months lil man!

Check out his new hair style! He got his first haircut at the salon today. And of course it wasn't as smooth as we hoped for.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

No, No, No...and Yes!

Kyle's new thing ..."no, no, no" with his finger and finally learning how to say yes! 

Update on his blood results from his follow-up on Monday after his hospital stay last week -- everything thing is trending down (bili# is back to back down to Normal range!), just as the doctors hoped for! In another words, Mr. Kyle's episode last week was ...VIRAL!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Pics from hospital stay

3:30am finally admitted to room 

always trying to smile
5am had to get crib changed to one with a dome

FaceTime with sissy -- good-night-funny-kisses
with mommy

Monma visiting