

Monday, January 27, 2014

Mommy's name

Look what Kyle wrote... Mommy's name on top of the moon. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Three years post kasai

Today marks 3 years post kasai for Kyle!! He's an amazing little boy and is doing great! We're are so blessed he's in our lives!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Check up (Dec 2013)

Kyle had his 6 months check up at Mt. Sinai in early December. The doctor that saw him for the first time when we went in 3 years ago was there - she couldn't believe her eyes. She was amazed how grown he was. Kyle's bmi was at about 89% (almost overweight what can I say haha) 
Because he was slightly under the weather we weren't able to do any labs works. And since we were going back in later that month, we got set up for an ultrasound too. 

In late Dec, we took him for an ultrasound - he was so good. No fuss no tears. However when the techs had to draw blood- it was a battle. Til this day he remembers. It took 3 techs to get them to draw blood from him. He was tired fr not eating for over 10 hours. At one point, he ran away from the tech. 

Results are in for both lab and ultrasound. He's good to go! :) we are extremely proud of our little man. Can't believe this coming Saturday will be 3 years post- kasai. Goooo Kyle!!! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

First dentist appointment

Kyle had his first dentist appointment today. He was such a good boy. No fuss or tears.

And mommy loves to have coordinate outfits with big sister :)