

Friday, July 20, 2012

At the beach...

Kyle's first time at the beach was this past Monday! He absolutely loved the water and the sand. Can't wait to bring him again!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Happy 20th Month!

4 more months and lil man will be 2!
Happy 20th Month lil man!!!

Monday, July 2, 2012

And we're back on track...

Kyle went for his follow-up appointment after being discharged on Friday. He looks great and has been fever free since.

He also gained weight back... She's at 22lbs 4ozs! And grew another half an inch.

Today his labs came back... And the numbers are great! Bilirubin are back to being below 1 (it was as high as 2.3 when he was sick!) and his liver numbers are trending down as will.

Yay Kyle!